European Union Army

While NATO was usually responsible for "hard" threats,  the European Union has taken a "softer" role. Forming the EU Army would create economic advantages of joint work on military procurement, which could save up to €100 billion a year.

Given the unpredictability of the United States during different administrations, it is clear that the EU cannot afford any further delay in taking its security and defence into its own hands. As much as it is a controversial idea, the European Union should really start focusing on the integration of armed forces of its member states. On the one hand we have Russia waging the war in Ukraine and on the other hand we have reluctant United States that is switching between isolationist and interventionist policies every 4-8 years.

EU army exists in  a hypothetical form at the moment. If the idea materialises it would supersede the Common Security and Defence Policy and would go beyond the proposed European Defence Union. During the Cold War, Western Europe relied on NATO for defence, precluding the development of European cooperation. Immediately after the "fall of communism", the defence apparatus was preoccupied by NATO expansion into the former Soviet bloc. The idea of a EU army gained popularity after the September 11 attacks, NATO's involvement in conflicts outside of Europe and with the war in Ukraine. 

We are convinced, that in order for the European Union to move forward, it must begin to introduce measures for the security of both, the current member states as well as the future member states that are endangered due to foreign aggression and bring the responsibility of continental safety firmly in our own hands. If Europe is to find peace it must have the means to create peace by being able to protect itself against hostile foreign influences. German Ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron were advocating for greater unity on defence, and we approve of their backing for a potential EU army.



“The world is a dangerous place, not because
of those who do evil, but because of those
who look on and do nothing.”
-- Albert Einstein.