Brexit - rejoin EU

If the Brexit is not reversed, UK will destroy itself in just few years, so completely that it will never be remotely the same again. At the monent the only UK  political party that publicly advocates for re-entering the EU is the True and Fair Party.

Not so long ago, Britain was the envy of the world. It had the world’s best healthcare system, it had the world’s finest public broadcaster — the BBC. The middle class was expanding, growing in wealth and happiness. It was part of the world’s most successful political union, the EU — and Brits had the right to live and work across Europe. Britain had one of the world’s highest quality of life. It was a gentle, intelligent, warm, friendly, and wealthy society.

But Brits, by 2016, became foolish believers in Big Lies. A new wave of dangerous demagogues peddled these incredible, insane, baffling lies. Britain — the gentle, wise, intelligent, expansive one — was dragged into wrecking operation called Brexit. It became a nation afflicted by a fever dream of nationalism. UK chose Brexit, cheering and applauding, leaving its biggest trading partner without a backup plan. People were buying more, the most incredible and bizarre Big Lies. “Global Britain” was going to emerge.

UK started following the nationalistic saying: we’re better off on our own. We’re better than them. We should be competitors with everyone, not friends, but adversaries. We’re only in it for ourselves. Our only motivations are greed and self-interest. We are aggressive and cruel and hostile. We put advantage and gain before friendship and community.

The British economy had the equivalent of a heart attack. Trade came to what’s know as a “sudden stop” in economics, and that’s about as dire as it sounds. Only nobody can say exactly how much, because the government’s busy cooking the books. UK is plunging itself into economic ruin — unemployment, poverty, scarcity, shortage. That will last decades and generations.

Britain chose self-destruction, cheering all the way. GP practices in London have been sold off to an American “health insurer.” Brits aren’t going to know what hit them until they get a £3,000 bill for, say an X-ray. American “health insurers” aren’t in it for human kindness, but for money. And rest assured, the UK politicians and their cronies will receive their share for facilitating this.



It is necessary for us to learn from others' mistakes. We will not live long enough
to make them all ourselves.
--Hyman George Rickover